Magic Lantern Firmware Wiki

Bitmap fonts in the firmware[]

Pel found there are bitmap fonts are in the firmware[]


See discussions :[]




on 550D 1.0.9 :

0xff661a80: FNT
0xff661a84: (+0x04) 0xffd8
0xff661a86: (+0x06) font_width = 40
0xff661a88: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff661a8c: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x24e0
0xff661a90: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x61034
0xff661a94: (+0x14) font name = 'HCanonGothic ///'
0xff661aa4: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 2360 chars
0xff663f84: (+0x2504) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x60ffe
0xff666464: (+0x49e4) bitmaps[]
  0xff6c7462: (+0x659e2) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 28
  +0x02: bitmap height = 28
  +0x04: char width = 36
  +0x06: X offset = 4
  +0x08: Y offset = 16
    bitmap size = 0x70

0xff6c7498: FNT
0xff6c749c: (+0x04) 0xffd8
0xff6c749e: (+0x06) font_width = 40
0xff6c74a0: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff6c74a4: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x184
0xff6c74a8: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x3142
0xff6c74ac: (+0x14) font name = 'CanonMonospace  '
0xff6c74bc: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 97 chars
0xff6c7640: (+0x1a8) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x30c0
0xff6c77c4: (+0x32c) bitmaps[]
  0xff6ca884: (+0x33ec) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 22
  +0x02: bitmap height = 22
  +0x04: char width = 22
  +0x06: X offset = 0
  +0x08: Y offset = 0
    bitmap size = 0x42

on 7D 1.2.3

0xff62752c: FNT
0xff627530: (+0x04) 0xffd8
0xff627532: (+0x06) font_width = 40
0xff627534: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff627538: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x27cc
0xff62753c: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x6c3fa
0xff627540: (+0x14) font name = 'HCanonGothic ///'
0xff627550: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 2547 chars
0xff629d1c: (+0x27f0) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x6c328
0xff62c4e8: (+0x4fbc) bitmaps[]
  0xff698810: (+0x712e4) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 36
  +0x02: bitmap height = 36
  +0x04: char width = 36
  +0x06: X offset = 0
  +0x08: Y offset = 0
    bitmap size = 0xb4

0xff6988e4: FNT
0xff6988e8: (+0x04) 0xffd8
0xff6988ea: (+0x06) font_width = 40
0xff6988ec: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff6988f0: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x180
0xff6988f4: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x30c0
0xff6988f8: (+0x14) font name = 'CanonMonospace  '
0xff698908: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 96 chars
0xff698a88: (+0x1a4) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x303e
0xff698c08: (+0x324) bitmaps[]
  0xff69bc46: (+0x3362) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 22
  +0x02: bitmap height = 22
  +0x04: char width = 22
  +0x06: X offset = 0
  +0x08: Y offset = 0
    bitmap size = 0x42

600d 1.0.1

0xff894758: FNT
0xff89475c: (+0x04) 0xffd8
0xff89475e: (+0x06) font_width = 40
0xff894760: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff894764: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x2a34
0xff894768: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x726ca
0xff89476c: (+0x14) font name = 'HCanonGothic ///'
0xff89477c: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 2701 chars
0xff8971b0: (+0x2a58) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x72694
0xff899be4: (+0x548c) bitmaps[]
  0xff90c278: (+0x77b20) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 28
  +0x02: bitmap height = 28
  +0x04: char width = 36
  +0x06: X offset = 4
  +0x08: Y offset = 16
    bitmap size = 0x70

0xff90c2b0: FNT
0xff90c2b4: (+0x04) 0xffd8
0xff90c2b6: (+0x06) font_width = 40
0xff90c2b8: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff90c2bc: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x188
0xff90c2c0: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x31c4
0xff90c2c4: (+0x14) font name = 'CanonMonospace  '
0xff90c2d4: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 98 chars
0xff90c45c: (+0x1ac) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x3142
0xff90c5e4: (+0x334) bitmaps[]
  0xff90f726: (+0x3476) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 22
  +0x02: bitmap height = 22
  +0x04: char width = 22
  +0x06: X offset = 0
  +0x08: Y offset = 0
    bitmap size = 0x42

on 5dc v1.1.1:

0xff285b2c: FNT
0xff285b30: (+0x04) 0xffec
0xff285b32: (+0x06) font_width = 20
0xff285b34: (+0x08) charmap_offset = 0x24
0xff285b38: (+0x0c) charmap_size = 0x19d0
0xff285b3c: (+0x10) bitmap_size = 0x2a148
0xff285b40: (+0x14) font name = 'HCanonGothic///'
0xff285b50: (+0x24) char_codes[]. 1652 chars
0xff287520: (+0x19f4) offsets[]. Last offset value = 0x2a0da
0xff288ef0: (+0x33c4) bitmaps[]
  0xff2b2fca: (+0x2d49e) last bitmap
  +0x00: bitmap width = 36
  +0x02: bitmap height = 36
  +0x04: char width = 36
  +0x06: X offset = 0
  +0x08: Y offset = 0
    bitmap size = 0xb4